An Intimate Wedding on Film at Nantahala Weddings!

Bride and groom kissing while guests blow bubbles at Nantahala Weddings shot on Kodak Portra 400 Film.

This year I (Chad) made it a goal to shoot more film for my personal work- and I’ve fallen in love with it. Everything about 35mm and medium format film is different than what I’m used to: The slower process and limited frames forces me to be more patient and really make sure I get a great shot. The colors of film are something that are so hard to emulate in digital photography. In the past, I’ve edited to make my digital photos emulate film in some ways, but I’ve never been really happy with the results. Film reacts differently to light than digital. Even from frame to frame, there can be slight variations. The unpredictable nature of film can give you some wild results. Sometimes they don’t work, but sometimes takes your breath away. For one, film is naturally softer and less crisp than digital. That slight haziness makes it seem less like a picture and more like a memory- which is why I feel like it’s so perfect for wedding photography!

Couple sitting on a rock on the upper Nantahala river before wedding shot on Kodak Portra 400 film.

Film really is a fascinating medium, and I’m excited to finally get to share my work in it! Not only is it a different skillset and result, but there’s just something special about knowing that I have the negatives in my closet. It’s discouraging, as an artist, to see the ways that AI is being used in the photography and art world. It won’t be long until there will be no realistic way to know whether a photo is real or generated, and I don’t like that prospect. I love that I always have a real physical film negative to prove to myself that a moment really happened, and I captured it authentically. It’s proof of our art, and that feels really important.

I started off just bringing a small film camera with me on some of our weddings, to test the waters. I was worried I wouldn’t be able to focus fast enough or get my settings right, but after a few rolls, I was able to put those concerns to rest. One wedding, I just decided to go for it, and I was just thrilled with the results! Erin and Dave had a wonderful little wedding at Nantahala Weddings in western North Carolina. The colors and flowers they chose were just perfect for film, and when I got the scans back from the lab, Emilie and I were both shocked at how just how incredible the results were. Enjoy and let us know if you’re interested in having your wedding documented on film!

Our First Spring Wedding of the New Year at Nantahala Weddings!

Bride twirling in wedding dress at Nantahala Weddings and Events in Topton North Carolina.

We’re just getting going on our wedding season, and it’s already off to a great start! Amber and Ryan got married at one of the best wedding venues in Western North Carolina, Nantahala Weddings in Topton, NC. The Nantahala region in spring is so beautiful. It’s a perfect time of year for an outdoor wedding. We had such a great day with Amber and Ryan and their whole crew. They were so laid back and silly in a good way! We think their pictures definitely show that! Here’s just a handful.

A Winter Wedding at Nantahala Weddings

Waterfall adventure weddings are only for the young right? Diane and Darrel were certainly young at heart to say the least. Adventurous enough to take a slightly treacherous walk out onto a Nantahala waterfall with full wedding attire on. They were also laid back enough to roll with the punches with a great attitude when the schedule didn’t go as planned. As photographers, we have to be ready for every scenario. And this one pushed us to our limits. A ceremony outside in near dark its tough, but we’re thrilled with how the whole day turned out. And we’re thrilled for these two wonderful people!